Article I: Name and Purpose
This club shall be a non-profit unincorporated association known as the Viewpoint Photography Club (hereinafter referred to as “VPC”).
The purpose of the club is to facilitate the enjoyment of photography by members, to provide photographic opportunities, to provide photography-related programs and activities of interest to members, and to provide training and assistance to help members to produce better photographic images.
Article II: Membership
Residents of Viewpoint and Sponsored members who complete a VPC membership form and who have paid dues for the current season shall be members. The club will accept application for sponsored members who do not reside at Viewpoint. Such members must be sponsored by an existing Viewpoint resident member of the club. Sponsored members will be entitled to all the rights and privileges of a regular member and may renew their membership annually. The total sponsored memberships in any year will be limited to a maximum of 10. (Amended 2018)
Article III: Meetings
Meetings of VPC shall be scheduled by the Board, preferably two or more times monthly, beginning on or about the first week of November and ending on or about the last week of March of the following year. Actual dates and times of meetings may vary, as determined by the Board, depending on the availability of officers and members and on the availability of meeting rooms.
A quorum of at least ten members shall be required to conduct business.
Board meetings, special meetings or special events (such as photo shoots) may be called at any time by the President. If necessary, Board meetings may be conducted by telephone or E-mail.
Article IV: Officers
The officers of VPC shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Member at Large. The officers shall comprise the Board. The term of the officers shall be one year. Officers shall be eligible for reelection. Officers shall be elected at the last regular meeting of the VPC in March by a majority vote of the members present. The past President will normally fill the position of Member at Large if he or she is available and willing to serve. Any officer may be removed from office by the votes of 2/3 of the members present at a meeting. In the event that any officer is unwilling or unable to serve, his/her successor may be elected at any business meeting. No officer shall be compensated.
Article V: Duties of Officers
President. The President shall preside at meetings of VPC and shall represent VPC in communications with the management of Viewpoint. At any meeting of VPC the President may call a business meeting, as he/she deems necessary. The President shall also appoint various members to such committees or positions which he/she deems necessary. The President shall be one of the Bank signing officers.
Vice President. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence, and shall perform such other duties as requested by the President. The Vice President shall be one of the Bank signing officers
Secretary. The Secretary shall maintain a record of speakers, programs, and business conducted at VPC meetings and special events. The secretary shall also maintain a membership list of paid members with their contact information.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive and record all income from members and special events and shall notify the secretary of paid memberships. The Treasurer shall also pay all bills and keep a record of all expenditures. He/she shall be prepared to present a financial report at business meetings, as requested by the President. The Treasurer shall arrange for a bank account on which checks may be written. The Treasurer shall be one of the three Bank signing officers
Member at Large. The Member at Large shall advise the President and the Board.
Article VI: Standing Committees
The Board may create standing committees for specific purposes. Committee chairmen shall be appointed by the President. The President may invite committee chairmen to attend Board Meetings, but they shall not be voting members of the Board.
Article VII: Parliamentary Authority
With the concurrence of members present, meetings shall be conducted in accordance with commonly accepted practices. In the event of any dispute or disagreement, Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority.
Article VIII: Dues
The amount of annual dues shall be reviewed and set by the Board prior to the first club membership meeting of the season. Any increase in the annual dues must be authorized by a majority vote of the membership in attendance at a regular meeting.
Article IX: Disbursement of Funds
Funds of less than $100 may be disbursed at the discretion of the Treasurer. Funds of $100 or more may be disbursed with the approval of a majority of the Board.
Article X: Amendment of Bylaws
These bylaws can be amended with 2/3 approval of the membership in attendance at any regular or special meeting, provided that previous notice of the amendment was given to the membership.
Article XI: Dissolution
The VPC may be dissolved with 2/3 approval of the membership in attendance at any regular or special meeting, provided that previous notice was given to the membership. All outstanding bills will be paid and the remaining money will be returned to the members or, by a vote of a majority of the members, transferred to a successor organization or given to a charity of the members’ choice.