1.) Competition is open to all current VP Photo Club members. Photos and any components must be wholly the work of the stated photographer.
2.) Photos must be mounted on 11x14 boards – black only.
3.) 11x14 boards are available for purchase through the VP Photo Club.
4.) A limit of 10 photos may be entered, with no more than TWO (2) in any category. A photo can be entered in only one category, even if changes are made to that photo. For example, change from color to black and white. Each photo must have an identifying entry label on the lower center of the back of the mounting board. Labels are supplied by the VP Photo Club. No identifying information is permitted on the front of the photo or mat.
5.) Photos from previous years may be re-entered as long as they have NOT received an Honorable Mention or higher award.
6.) Manipulation and modification of photos is limited to the following: resizing, cropping, selective lightening or darkening, red eye reduction, minor restoration, minor color enhancement or softening, and minor sharpening or blurring. Processing techniques such as leveling, saturation, sharpening, high dynamic range and panoramic stitching are permitted so long as they appear natural. Minor elements may be removed from a photograph,but no addition of any element to a photograph is permitted except in the Creative Category. All modification must appear as natural. Any alterations in excess of this will require the photograph to be placed in Creative or Other Category. For all categories except Nature and Photo Travel, composite images such as sky replacement or combining elements from multiple photographs are allowed, as long as all elements are taken from the photographer’s own images.
7.) In all competition categories, images must originate as photographs made by the entrant. They may not incorporate images produced by anyone else (for example: clip art, replacement skies, or stock images). Images of someone else’s art work are not allowed. Images created in whole or in part by image creation software (frequently called ‘AI’ images) are not allowed.
8.) There are four possible divisions for judging. Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Photographers will be placed in the appropriate division according to the scoring they received in the previous competition. New members, or members who are entering photos for the first time will be placed in the division appropriate for their skill level.
9.) Entries must be delivered to the VP Photo Club on at the designated location and time as announced in club meetings and on the website.
10.) The VP Photo Cub will arrange for three judges to evaluate your work. There will be 1st, 2nd & 3rd place awards given in each category and each division. In the event of a tie for 3rd place, judges will determine which photo will receive the 3rd place award. The remaining images receive Honorable Mention awards. There will also be three (3) Personal Judge’s Choice awards, Best of Division award, and a single Best of Show awarded from all entries.
11.) During the annual VP Photo Club Exhibition, attendees will be invited to vote for their “People’s Choice Award” in each category and division.
12.) Presentation of all awards will be during the Annual Awards Banquet at the end of the season.
13.) All first place photos, Best of Show, Best of Division, Judges Choice and People’s Choice winners will remain in Viewpoint for display in the Photo Club Hall of Fame near the ballroom until replaced with the next current winners. All other photos will be available at the Awards Banquet for members to take home.
14.) Photographers will retain all other rights to their images. VP Resort and the VP Photo Club are not responsible for lost or damaged photos.