Rotating photos are those from the March Exhibition - Bronze Division.
View their exhibit [HERE] 

2024 Banquet and Awards Night. View some photos taken at the event.[click here]

Exhibition winners  will be posted on the website next month.

 A member directory is now available for viewing or download. To view this page you must be a Club Member and sign in. Click [here] to view list.

The categories for the 2025 Photo Exhibition can  be found [here].


Bryce Thompson Arboretum Outing  [click here to view photos]

Christmas Social. [click here to view photos ]

Riparian Preserve trip: [click here to view photos]

Tempe Lake (night shoot) -   [click here to view photos]

Regular meetings are scheduled for the 1st and 3rd of each month, with the first meeting set for November 15.

The winning photos from the 2023 Annual Exhibition . Go to the drop down menu under PHOTO EXHIBITION and choose Silver or Gold winners, or view Silver Winners [here] or Gold Winners [here]. [View other photos taken at the exhibition]

Categories for the 2024 Photo Exhibition [view here]  



The Viewpoint Photo Club is comprised of residents of the Viewpoint Golf and RV Resort in Mesa, Arizona, who are interested in photography.  Photographers with all levels of experience are welcome to join. It doesn't matter whether you use a 'point & shoot' camera or a high end DSLR. If you enjoy photography, you are welcome.

Club meetings are held the first and third Wednesday of the month from November through March. Meetings are held in the Kokopelli Room beginning at 3:00 pm. Meetings typically consist of a program on some aspect of photography, but may also consist of sharing, critiquing, or judging photos.

In addition to regular meetings, outings (photo shoots) to places or events with photographic interest are scheduled throughout the year.

The club's major event of the season is the annual Photography Exhibition, in which members submit photos in several different categories for the public to view. Photos are graded by an independent panel of judges and are separately judged by a vote of the public. Winners are announced at the Annual Awards Banquet.

Additionally, members may take part in various workshops and classes on subjects relating to photography.

We hope you find the rest of the site informative and stimulating, and we extend to all photographers a warm invitation to join us for our meetings. So, why not come along and see for yourself what we’re all about. For further information on membership contact any members of our Board. Click on the "About Us" link above for more information about our club.

Membership is open to any residents who are interested in digital photography. For more information, go to our Membership page.
To contact us, please phone one of the Board members or send an email.

Photo Gallery
Visit our Photo Gallery to view photos of our featured photographers Don and Toni Short.




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