We are privileged to feature some photos from club members , Don and Tony Short


Don and Toni Short took up photography while work-camping at Viewpoint in 2013. There were too many activities to choose from so the newlyweds selected an activity they could indulge in together. What a great decision that was! They went shopping and bought each other identical cameras and joined the View Point Camera Club. That was the beginning of an entirely new outlook on life. Suddenly their travels assumed new dimensions and focus (pun intended). They discovered that no matter the destination, awesome or just mediocre, they found totally new ways to see things.

The Camera Club provided professional instruction and gentle critiquing, sending them on they were on their way. Even overseas, fellow travelers caught the spirit of the categories the Shorts' were trying to capture for the Club's Annual Photography Contest. One kind fellow traveler ran interference for Don in Santorini as he tried to capture the famous blue domes, preventing Asian visitors from repeatedly pushing into his shot. Other travelers dragged Don and Toni to various 'doors and windows' they had discovered hidden away.

When they left Viewpoint, they were saddened to lose their membership in the Club. But a couple years later the Board voted to allow a select few non-residents to join the Club. The Shorts rejoined the Club, reveling in renewed friendships and challenges.



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