The Viewpoint Photo Club is comprised of residents of the Viewpoint Golf and RV Resort in Mesa, Arizona, who are interested in photography.  Photographers with all levels of experience are welcome to join. It doesn't matter whether you use a 'point & shoot' camera or a high end DSLR. If you enjoy photography, you are welcome.

Club meetings are held the first and third Wednesday of the month from November through March. Meetings are held in the Kokopelli Room beginning at 3:00 pm. Meetings typically consist of a program on some aspect of photography, but may also consist of sharing, critiquing, or judging photos.

The Viewpoint Photo Club is open to all residents of the Viewpoint Golf and RV Resort in Mesa, Arizona, who are interested in photography.  Photographers with all levels of experience are welcome to join. It doesn't matter whether you use a 'point & shoot' camera or a high end DSLR. If you enjoy photography, you are welcome.

In addition to regular meetings, outings (photo shoots) to places or events with photographic interest are scheduled throughout the year.

The club's major event of the season is the annual Photography Exhibition, in which members submit photos in several different categories for the public to view. Photos are graded by an independent panel of judges, as well as by a vote of the public. Winners are announced at the Annual Awards Banquet.
Additionally, members may take part in various workshops, outings, and classes on many different aspects of photography.

Once you become a member you will have full access to this website including galleries, critiquing, competitions etc.

For further information on membership contact any members of our Board.

To contact us, please phone one of the Board members or send an email.

Visit our Featured photographers Gallery currently displaying the photographs of Don Gibson.



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If you are judging competitions or registering for a public event, you do not need to request membership. If you have an existing account with any organization using the Visual Pursuits service, login to this website with that account. If you do not have an account and do not need membership, use the button below to create a Guest account.

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